Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Cannes Film Festival Documentary

Extra Medium cofounder Danny Norton once fancied himself quite the aspiring filmmaker, so much so that he jumped at the opportunity to intern at the world's premiere film showcase in 1999. That's him behind Roger Ebert, seated, eating lunch. What a goof. As part of the American Pavilion and Kodak's student program, interns served coffee, delivered newspapers, and in his case, care package courier.
Danny says, "Sure, we saw red carpet and stood next to celebrities at cocktail parties. The stars had nothing much else to do but stand next to the likes of us. If we weren't trying to photograph them or hand them a script, we were practically buddies."
Get the latest video podcast here: The Wrath of Cannes

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Darrel's Gone Wild

Longtime collaborator and gifted solo director Crispin Rosenkranz brought this docu-exploitation gem our way in 2004. Those who identify with Darrel's crude, bacchanalian lifestyle loved it. Others were confused and disgusted. But universally, the scene with his grandmother was hailed as pure genius.
Get the latest video podcast here: Darrel's Gone Wild

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Two Guys and a Drunk Girl

Extra Medium cofounders Nicki Toma and Danny Norton are joined by Portland stand-up comic Dax Jordan for a tale of excess and undress. One-half arty stills-film and the other half performed live on stage at historic, now-defunct Jasmine Tree tiki lounge.
Get the latest video podcast here: Drunk Date

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Drawing the Figure

Featuring stand-up comic phenomenons Dax Jordan, Richard Bain and Tom Wolcott, Danny Norton embellishes his life drawing class experience at Portland State University by appearing as his professor and coaching the class to draw the ENTIRE body. Weird entendres abound, and Nicki Toma and Tatyana Zaytseva made some really strange drawings.
Get the latest video podcast here: Drawing the Figure

Monday, October 29, 2007

B&W Horror from Ground Charlie's Nicki & Taty

Extra Medium cofounder Nicki Toma and longtime collaborator Tatyana Zaytseva produced this mindboggling parody to play during our monthly multimedia sketch, music and film showcses at historic, now-defunct Jasmine Tree tiki lounge. The Portland Development Commission leveled the 29-year-old business to make a fenced-in grass lot.
Get the latest video podcast here: Bee

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Blog is the New Black

After much contemplation, Extra Medium Sketch Comedy have decided to learn the dark art of podcasting their short film into the worldwide interweb, a series of tubes for the transmission of informative communiques.
We hope you enjoy this, the first, of what we hope to be many Media-Rich cyber-content digital mailings.